Chris “Keep It Sideway” Suan

Moving On Up

Posted in DRIFT*A*TIRE, Squeegee Science by chrisuan on June 15, 2009

Lately, I’ve been helping out with moving operations to the new location, a bigger more equipped warehouse/office space for the NEW Squeegee SGREEN Printing Lab. With more space we will have more room for an automatic press which will make work a lot faster.

Although, this transition has become another speed bump for the SLIDE Shirt production process. Yet this speed bump is a safe yield to take care of any final changes, tweaks, and precautionary actions towards the SLIDE Shirt’s quality and longevity.

So all in all, this is what I’ve been up to. Tomorrow we will be setting up some test prints for the new dryer bright and early. Plenty of great things to come. I’m very excited.

Print Lab

Print Lab

Painting the Think Tank

SGREEN Printing Lab


Settling In

The Think Tank

The Think Tank

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